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(1 edit) (+1)

Please keep up working on it!

Thank you.

Will do! Though I’m stuck with some real life stuff rn. 🤞

(1 edit) (+1)

I Love these icons and use them in my games all the time. My go-to asset pack. Could you please add the checkmark and X icons? Thanks for the wonderful free assets!

Will keep it in mind when I get around to work on the next version


This is just what I needed! I really appreciate you made 16,32 and 64 pix version. Thank you very much.



I use your icones in my game : Memento Mori. Your work is amazing and thanks to you, I was able to put some icones in my game. If you want to test it, go ahead (it's free).

Awesome! Great work I must say 👏


Thank you for the free icons. They were a big help in creating my Mobile Game, Gravity Platformer. I was able to incorporate them into the game and also use them for creating screenshots.

That’s really great! 😊 

may i use it in my game?


Yes! Absolutely. It’s under CCO open source license 



Scrolled down itch trying to find ui assets, yours immediately caught my attention. This is perfect for my project! Thank you!

Happy that you liked it 🤍 




I can use and I can sell my game on EpicStore or any site use your asset? Of course I give you credit. I promise you

Yes, the assets are licensed under CC1.0 Universal so, you are free to use the assets in anyway you like (Commercial use included). 

To clarify, yes you can sell your game where ever and how ever way you like. You can refer CC1.0 terms here:



Thank you so much! You awesome person

I wish you GOOD LUCK! Wonderful day's 


Added in my Game Jam game - Portal Through IT, in the settings Tab.

✨ Nice

Used the icon pack in a project? Share them in the comments! ;]

I'll feature them on the page